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Organization management

With Retable's organization features, you can collaborate with your teammates, and manage organization members.

You can create multiple teams, authorize your colleagues for relevant teams, and provide fast and easy organization management. Instead of dealing with separate authorizations for each workspace or project, you can create special collaborative workspaces for your teams. Rather than typing in each team member's name, you can type your team's name.

Quick Organization Set-up

Creating an organization

Follow the steps below to create organization.

  1. Click on the name of the user which is on the right top of the screen.

  2. Click on “Organization” tab.

  3. Click on “Add organization” button.

  4. Fill the “Organization name” and click on “Add” button.

Adding a member to the organization

Follow the steps below to add member;

  1. Click on the "Members" tab.

  2. Click the "Invite user" button.

  3. Enter the e-mail addresses in the "Email address" field and select one of the Lead/Member options.

  4. Click on the "Invite" button.

PS: If the invited member is in another organization, a warning message is given.

People who have not yet accepted or rejected the organization invitation are included in the "Invited members" field.

You can invite your teammates to your organization by an invitation link. It means you do not need to write the email addresses one by one to add each member to your organization.

Follow the steps.

  1. Click on the "Members" tab.

  2. Enable the "Invite by link" switch.

  3. Share the link.

Deleting a user from organization

Follow the steps below to delete a member.

  1. Tap on the "Members" tab.

  2. The member is deleted from the organization by clicking the trash can next to the authority of the member you want to delete.

Managing your organization

If you are an organization admin, you can manage the organization and team.

If you are a lead, you can add and remove team members, as well as manage team members' roles. You can remove team members by clicking the 'X' to the right of their contact information.

If you are a member, you can only view the Members and Teams screen.

Share Workspace with Team; The workspace authority of the user who has Admin and Lead authority in the organization is assigned as Owner and cannot be changed. The workspace authority of the user who has Member authority in the organization can be changed.

If the "For use in organization" workspace is shared with a Personal user, Owner privilege cannot be assigned.

Follow the steps below to make a change of authority.

  1. Click on the "Members" tab.

  2. Select either Lead or Member for the corresponding person.

Adding a team

Follow the steps below to add a team.

  1. Click on the "Teams" tab in the menu and click "Add team".

  2. "Add team" popup window will ask you to add your “Team name”.

  3. Click "Add" and created a team.

Adding members to a team

Follow the steps below to add a member.

  1. Click the "Teams" tab in the menu and click on the team you want to add people to.

  2. People in your organization are listed in the "Select" field. To select a member, click this field and select a member.

  3. Click the "Add member" button.

Deleting a member of the team

Follow the steps below to delete a member.

  1. Click on the “Teams” tab.

  2. Click on the 3 dots and select Detail.

  3. The member is deleted from the team by clicking the trash can next to the authority of the member you want to delete.

Accessing team settings

Follow the steps below to team's settings.

  1. Click on the "Teams" tab in the menu and click on the 3 dot of the team you want to edit.

  2. Detail, Rename team and Delete options appear according to your authority.

  3. Members can be added or removed from the Detail. The list of team members is displayed in the Detail.

  4. The team name can be changed with the "Rename".

  5. Team can deleted using "Delete team" button.

Organization customization

You can customize Retable with your own colors, logos and icons. When you make a change in this section, public views, form views, public project views and Retable header is affected.

Follow the steps below to edit organization customization.

  1. Write your brand name in the Brand title field.

  2. Upload the image to the Brand logo and Brand icon.

  3. Select Primary color and Secondary color

  4. Click Save.

  5. Check how it will look in the Preview area.

  6. You can easily reset the branding you created for your organization with Reset button.

Kindly note that organization customization features are exclusively applicable to Workspaces categorized under the 'For use in organization' type. Please ensure that the 'Apply organization branding' switch is turned on.

Editing organization settings

Follow the steps below to edit organization settings.

  1. Click on the "Settings" tab.

  2. Edit the Organization name field and click the Save button.

  3. If you check "Hide organization info for members", organization admins can hide organization info for other organization members. Thus, organization members cannot view the teams and other members in the organization, they can only view summary information about the organization.

  4. Delete the organization with the Delete button.

Last updated