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Workspace can be used to classify and combine projects. Think of a Workspace as a collection of projects and tables shared among a group of people working together.

Creating workspaces

Follow the steps below to create a workspace.

  1. Click on “Add workspace” button.

  2. The workspace name field is a required field, fill in this field.

  3. "For use in organization" or "For personal use" should be selected for the Workspace.

  4. Click on "Add workspace" button.

Renaming a workspace

Follow the steps below to rename a workspace.

  1. Click the three dots next to the Workspace name which needs to be renamed.

  2. Click “Rename Workspace” and change workspace name.

Editing workspace description

Follow the steps below to edit a workspace.

  1. Click on the three dots next to the workspace name you want to edit.

  2. Click on "Edit description".

  3. Change workspace name or description of the workspace.

Sharing a workspace with other users

You can invite other users to your workspace. This way they will be able to view or edit your work. User must be logged in and must have at least one workspace to display shared users.

Follow the steps below to display or share users.

  1. Click Sharing settings in three dots.

  2. All shared users are shown under the Workspace Members on the pop-up screen.

  3. Type the e-mail address you want to share the project. You can invite more than one collaborator, separated with comma.

  4. Choose either Owner, Editor or Viewer as the role.

  5. Click on "Invite" button.

  6. All shared users are shown under the "Workspace Members" on the pop-up screen.

  7. If you want to remove users from the workspace, with the user cross, you can remove the user from the "Workspace Members" area.

There are 3 types of users in Retable:

"Owner" users have all kinds of privileges. "Editor" user can rename and edit in the relevant project. This user cannot delete a workspace, project, table or view. "Viewer" user can only display data.

You can add, delete, or update users according to their assigned roles.

Inviting users to a workspace

Follow the steps below to invite users to a workspace.

  1. Click Sharing settings in three dots.

  2. Click on the "Invite by link" tab in the pop-up.

  3. When you activate the "Invite link" switch, you can share the workspace using this link.

People who will join to workspace with this link will have Viewer role. This link is personal. Only you and people who you will invite can see this link.

Deleting a workspace

Follow the steps below to delete a workspace.

  1. Click on the three dots next to the Workspace name you want to delete.

  2. Click on “Delete workspace”.

  3. A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click on “Delete” to delete the workspace.

Using trash bin

The trash bin function allows you to see and restore workspaces, projects, tables and views that have been deleted previously.

When you delete a workspace or a project it will be available in your trash. Deleted workspace or project can be restored from this trash.

Follow the steps below to send a file to trash bin.

  1. Click on the Trash button.

  2. Your deleted workspaces/projects are located here.

  3. If you want to restore an item, click on the "Restore" button.

  4. If you want to delete an item permanently, click on the "Remove" button.

Users with the "Editor" or "Viewer" role cannot remove or restore files in the trash.

Reordering workspace

A workspace can be reordered by simply dragging and dropping. Follow the steps below to reorder a workspace.

1. Hover the mouse over the workspace you want to move from MY WORKSPACES.

2. Drag it to its new location.

3. When you release the mouse, the contents are moved to the new location.

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