Managing tables
Tables are like worksheets in a spreadsheet. Each table can hold a set of data concerning one subject area. You must use unique names for your tables.
Adding a new table
Adding an empty table
Follow the steps below to create a table.
Click the "+Add new" icon on the top left side of the screen.
Click “Empty table” to create a Table.
"Give this table a name" and click "Create" button.
When you create an empty table, there is 4 columns and 3 rows in the table.
Importing a .csv or .xls(x)
Follow the steps below to import a .csv or .xls(x) files to Retable.
Click the "+Add new" icon on the top left side of the screen.
Click on “Import a .csv or .xls(x)” to import excel sheet.
Click on “Select a .csv or .xls(x) File” and choose an excel file from local desktop.
If the first line is the header, you can choose "First row is header."
Click on “Upload”.
Importing an Airtable sheet
This feature is currently in beta so expect some feature additions and bug fixes. If you have any feedback, please join our community and brainstorm with other Retable enthusiasts.
Retable can import an Airtable sheet. Within minutes, you can import all your Airtable sheet into Retable and start working.
Here is an introduction video:
To proceed with this operation, you must obtain Airtable tokens, which can be found here. You must be logged into your account to access your tokens.
Follow the steps below to import an Airtable sheet into Retable.
This documentation has a short explanation for the technical savvy. If you would like to read a detailed, step by step explanation of how to migrate your data from Airtable to Retable, see this documentation
Click on the "Add new" button over the toolbar. Click 'Import from Airtable'.
You'll see a popup where you can insert the Airtable access token. To create a personal access token, see this page on Airtable. Below you can see the most important sections to fill in.
When you see the "Import from Airtable" popup, use the token you created on Airtable end and paste it here.
Click the "Next" button.
Select the Airtable sheet you want to import into Retable After completing all your selections, click the "Import" button.
Then, select the table you want to import into Retable among the tables in this base.
Select the view of the table you want to import into Retable.
You'll be notified via email when your import is completed. (Depending on your data size, it may take several minutes.)
Refresh your dashboard after receiving your email notification.
Note that there are a few limitations when you import data from Airtable:
Filter is not applied - you need to filter after importing.
Sort is not applied- you need to sort after importing.
Group is not applied- you need to group after importing.
Formatting is not applied- you need to apply formats after importing.
Hide is not applied- you need to hide columns after importing.
For a complete list, please see the supported field types document.
Importing a Retable file
With Import Retable, you can import the files you exported in .retable format. So the formats in your project or table are not lost.
Follow the steps below to import a sheet.
Click the "+Add new" icon on the top left side of the screen.
Click on “Import Retable”.
Click on “Select a .retable File”
Select a .retable format file that you downloaded to your device.
Click the "Upload" button.
If you export your file with the ".retable" extension, you can import it with the same properties when you want to import your file.
Importing Google Sheets
That allows you to import an entire Google Sheets file as a new base, or import one into an existing base. Note that once you import data into Retable, any changes made within Retable will not be reflected back to the original Google Sheets you used for importing.
Follow the steps below to import a sheet.
Click the "+Add new" icon on the top left side of the screen.
Click on “Import Google Sheet”.
Connect to your Google account of the file you want to import from the screen that opens.
Select the relevant file from the "Choose File" field.
Click on “Select” button and choose the file.
Import file from URL
You can import .csv and .xlsx files into your projects directly with the URL. Thus, you can transfer any .xlsx or .csv file on the internet to Retable with just a URL without downloading them to your device.
Follow the steps below to import a sheet.
Click the "+Add new" icon on the top left side of the screen.
Click on “Import file from URL”.
Paste the URL of the file you want to import.
Synced table
Allows tables within the same workspace, whether in different projects or in the same project, to synchronize with each other.
Follow the steps below to synchronize the table.
Click the "+Add new" icon on the top left side of the screen.
Click on “Synced table”.
Choose the project where the table you want to sync is located.
Select the table you want to sync.
Select the view you want to sync.
After clicking the "Next" button, you can choose either "All columns in the source (Include columns to be added in the future)" or "Specific columns in the source," depending on your needs. If you choose "All columns in the source (Include columns to be added in the future)," all existing columns in the table you want to sync, as well as any columns you add later, will automatically be synchronized.
If you choose "Specific columns in the source," a list of columns from the table you want to sync will appear, and you can select the columns you wish to sync.
Remember, in both options, every new data added to the synced columns will also be synchronized to your current table.
After making your choice, click the "Save" button.
The table you add as a synced table will be created as a new table within your project and will reflect any changes made to the source table.
You cannot make data changes to a table added to your project as a synced table; you can only modify its data from the source table. Essentially, this feature works like a lookup and shows you the data from your reference synced table.
In summary, a synced table will copy its contents from another table. When the original table data changes, it will stay up to date in the synced table.
Renaming tables
Follow the steps below to rename a table.
Click on the 3 dots next to the table name.
Click on “Rename table”.
Editing table description
Follow the steps below to edit a table description.
Click on the 3 dots next to the table name.
Click on “Description”.
Change the table name or edit the description of the table.
Locking a table
You can lock a table and prevent others from editing it. Only the person who locked the table can unlock it. When a table is locked, an e-mail is sent to inform all shared users. If one of those users wants the table to be unlocked, that user can send a request to the person who locked the table to unlock it.
Follow the steps below to lock a table.
Click on the 3 dots next to the table name.
Click on “Lock Table”.
Follow the steps below to unlock a table.
Click on the 3 dots next to the table name.
Click on “Unlock Table".
Duplicating a table
Follow the steps below to duplicate a table.
Click on the 3 dots next to the table name.
Click on “Duplicate Table”.
Copying a table
Follow the steps below to copy a table.
Click on the 3 dots next to the table name.
Click on “Copy Table”.
Select the area you want to copy from the "Selected Project" area.
Click on the "Save" button.
Moving a table
Follow the steps below to move a Table;
Click on the 3 dots next to the table name.
Click on “Move Table”.
Select the area you want to move from the "Selected Project" area.
Click on the "Save" button.
Import an existing a .csv or .xls(x)
You can import an existing table with ""Import a .csv or .xls(x)" option.
Follow the steps below to import a table.
Click on the 3 dots next to table name.
Click on “Import a .csv or .xls(x)”.
Choose between "Insert Data" or "Replace Data".
Click on “Select a .csv or .xls(x) File” and choose an excel or .csv file from local desktop.
If you select Insert Data;
If the first line is the header, you can choose "First row is header, don't include this header." Match the "Imported Column" and "Table Column" fields in the pop-up. You can disable the columns you do not want to import with the "Import" button. If the first line is not the header, you cannot choose "First row is a header, don't include this header."
Click on “Upload”.
If you select Replace Data;
All your data in this table is replaced with the data you imported. If the data has no equivalent in the imported file, this data is added to the end of your Retable table. So, all your data in the table is replaced with the data you imported. It changes with the headers you import with the "Replace the headers as well" option. Match the "Table Column" and "Imported Column" fields in the pop-up.
Click on “Upload”.
Exporting a table
Follow the steps below to export a table to your computer.
Click on the 3 dots next to table name.
Click on “Export table”.
In the pop-up, drop-down shows a list of export format options.
Select ".csv" or ".retable"
Click on the "Export" button.
If you export your file with the ".retable" extension, you can import it with the same properties when you want to import your file to Retable again.
When you download the CSV file, it will be downloaded in your computer's default download directory.
Deleting a table
Follow the steps below to delete a table.
Click on the 3 dots next to table name.
Click “Delete table”.
Reordering table
A table can be reordered by simply dragging and dropping. Follow the steps below to reorder a table.
1. Hover the mouse over the table you want to move.
2. Drag it to its new location.
3. When you release the mouse, the contents are moved to the new location.
Using table list
Instead of searching for table names, you can use the table names as a list to go directly to the tab you want to view. When the scroll icon appears on the screen (in case the tables do not fit on the screen), the “table list” icon appears. In this case, tabs of the project are listed and all tabs can be browsed quickly.
Check the video below for more information.
Organizing all columns
You can easily organize, order and hide all your columns in one place.
Follow the steps below organize all columns;
Click the "Columns" icon from your toolbar.
You can add a new column from the "Add column" button.
You can search to find the columns.
You can change the order of your columns by clicking and dragging the icon in front of your column name.
You can show or hide a column, click the switch next to the name of that column name.
You can rename your column with the "Rename this column" option from the menu that opens when three dots are clicked.
You can customize your column with the "Customize column" option from the menu that opens when three dots are clicked.
You can duplicate your column with the "Duplicate column" option from the menu that opens when three dots are clicked.
You can delete your column with the "Delete column" option from the menu that opens when the three dots are clicked.
You can show or hide all columns with the "show columns" or "hide columns" buttons. When the "Hide columns" button is clicked, the first column is shown.
You can quickly switch between all your columns from the column list on the left of the column detail window. Thus, you can manage the type, default values and all other details of all your columns from a single window.
Column sorting
Follow the steps below to sorting columns;
Click to “Sort” button.
Click to "Select" function.
You can search to find the columns.
Select the columns you want to sort.
Then on the column name choose “order ascending” / “order descending”.
You can add multiple sort with "Add another sort".
The user can switch the sort from active to passive by clicking the eye icon. When the sort is passive and in the field, the sort is not applied.
If you want to abandon column sorting, you can click the trash icon in the "Sort" field.
If you want to sort the sorts you add, you can sort them with the drag drop icon.
You can sort by right clicking on the column name and selecting sort ascending or sort descending.
Column filtering
A condition is a rule you set that records must follow to be visible in that particular view.
Try adding conditions when:
You're trying to find a record or records that meet certain conditions quickly (e.g., records that have a due date after X date and before Y date).
You only need to focus on records that meet certain conditions (e.g., the records that have been assigned to me AND have not been marked as completed).
You need to prevent people from seeing certain records in a view share link.
A condition consists of three parts:
A field - Any field in your table.
An operator - After selecting a field, choose an operator from the pre-populated dropdown menu. Which filter operators are available is determined by the field type.
A value - This is the value you compare all of your records against
Follow the steps below to apply a filter to a column/columns;
Click “Filter” icon on the left top of the screen.
You can search to find the columns.
Choose column which needs to be applied filter.
Choose filter type which are below;
Contains -> Characters included in the value which will be filtered
Does not contains -> Characters not included in the value which will be filtered
Is -> Value is equal to column value
Is not -> Value is NOT equal to column value
Is empty -> Column value is blank (NULL)
Is not empty -> Column value is not blank (not NULL)
Is before -> Filtering returns before the entered value
Is after -> Filtering returns after the entered value
Between -> Returns the date data between the dates entered in the filtering
Difference -> Returns the filtered data that is different according to the hours/day selection after the date selection entered into the filtering or the now selection
Yesterday -> Filters records entered as yesterday in the calendar column, based on the current date
Today -> Filters records entered as today in the calendar column, based on the current date
Tomorrow -> Filters records entered as tomorrow in the calendar column, based on the current date
Last week -> Filters records entered as last week in the calendar column, based on the current date
This week -> Filters records entered as this week in the calendar column, based on the current date
Next week -> Filters records entered as next week in the calendar column, based on the current date
Last month -> Filters records entered as last month in the calendar column, based on the current date
This month -> Filters records entered as this month in the calendar column, based on the current date
Next month -> Filters records entered as next month in the calendar column, based on the current date
This quarter -> Filters records entered as this quarter in the calendar column, based on the current date
= -> Returns the equals of the value entered in the filtering
≠ -> Returns the unequals of the value entered in filtering
< -> Returns less than the value entered in filtering
> -> Returns values greater than the value entered in filtering
≤ -> Returns less than or equal to the value entered in filtering
≥ -> Returns greater than or equal to the value entered in filtering
Not authorized -> Filters the data from the form based on the Created by column
All - Anonymous user and Unauthorized user Form - Anonymous user Other User - not Anonymous user and Unauthorized user
User can add more than one filter by clicking “Add Filter” button. Each added filter works as “OR”/”AND” option by selecting from operator dropdown.
The user can switch the filter from active to passive by clicking the eye icon. When the filter is passive and in the field, the filter is not applied.
When you share views with the Lock icon enabled as editable, the people will not be able to modify the filters applied. Only the project owner with Owner authority can edit the filters within the project.
If you want to abandon filter, you can click the trash icon in the "Filter" field.
Row grouping
Row grouping allows you to display your records grouped together based on first, second, or third-level groupings. Grouping is available only in Grid view. You can group columns of all types, and groups can also work with hide, sort, filter, and formatting.
Follow the steps below to apply grouping;
Click the "Group" icon from your toolbar.
You can search to find the columns.
Select the field by which you'd like to group your records from the menu.
You can add a second and third level of grouping.
Once you've selected the field you want to group by, groups will automatically be created based on the unique values in that field.
If you want to abandon group, you can click the trash icon in the "Group" field.
Expanding and collapsing groups
You can view the groups in your tables more compactly with the expand and collapse structure. So, you can instantly view only the data you want to see.
Follow the steps below to Expand & Collapse groups;
Click on the "Grouping" button on the toolbar.
Apply a group to your table by picking a column or columns to group.
You can expand or collapse your groups by clicking the arrow near your group names.
To all groups You can apply "Expand all" and "Collapse all".
Summary bar
Summary bar helps you to easily calculate values for a set of records. Column summary bar's values are a type of metadata not currently accessible by formulas. Because Retable's formulas work on row level. In other words, when you create a formula column, this formula is run for each row. You can calculate summary data for each group created in your Retable grid view.
The column summary bar is located at the bottom of your table. Each column type offers a different summary option.
To select a different summarization function for a specific column, you click on the summary bar below that column. This will open up a menu of different summary functions. The types of summary functions available will depend on the column type.
Follow the steps below to add a summary bar to each group:
Navigate to a grid view.
Apply grouping from the toolbar
Click on the column you want to see summary information for
After clicking on the column, you will see that a summary field is accessible at the beginning of each group for the related column
Choose what you want your column's summary to be based on (for example: total, average, min, max, etc.)
Summary functions for Numeric Columns
Number, percent, currency, rating, formula, Rollup
Count Numbers
Summary functions for Non-Calculated Columns
Color, E-mail, Image, Attachment, Date & Time, Single/multi select, Checkbox, Reference Another Table, Lookup Values, URL, Geolocation, Collaborator, Created Time, Last Modified Time, Last Modified By, QR Code, GPT
Summary functions for Special Columns
Phone number, Autonumber, Unique Identifier
Count Numbers
You can customize your tables with Retable's advanced formatting options. With the special formats that you can apply to your column, row or cell.
You can easily see your column, row or cell more colourful, highlighted or striking.
Formatting step by step
If you want to change the column style follow the steps below;
Select the column, row or cell you want to change from the table.
Click “Format” icon on the left top of the screen.
Align the contents of certain column types to the left, right, or center by clicking on the alignment icon and selecting the desired option.
Choose "B" icon if you want bold styling.
Choose "I" icon if you want italic styling.
Choose "U" icon if you want underline styling.
If you want to change of the cell fill color, choose "A" icon.
If you want to change of the cell font color, choose the icon on the right of "A".
If you want to delete the styles made, select the cells you want to delete and click the "Reset Style" icon.
Click on the last icon in the bar for row sizes and choose desired sizes.
• Short Row
• Medium Row
• Tall Row
Conditional formatting
You can use this if you want to format according to the conditions given in the table.
If you want to add the conditional formatting follow the steps below;
Click “Format” icon on the left top of the screen.
Open the "Conditional formatting" field.
Choose column which needs to be applied format.
Choose format type which are below;
Contains -> Characters included in the value which will be formatted
Does not contains -> Characters not included in the value which will be formatted
Is -> Value is equal to column value
Is not -> Value is NOT equal to column value
Is empty -> Column value is blank (NULL)
Is not empty -> Column value is not blank (not NULL)
Is before -> Formatting returns before the entered value
Is after -> Formatting returns after the entered value
Between -> Shows the date data between the dates entered in the formatting
Difference -> Shows the formatted data that is different according to the hours/day selection after the date selection entered into the formatting or the now selection
= -> Shows the equals of the value entered in the formatting
≠ -> Shows the unequals of the value entered in formatting
< -> Shows less than the value entered in formatting
> -> Shows values greater than the value entered in formatting
≤ -> Shows less than or equal to the value entered in formatting
≥ -> Shows greater than or equal to the value entered in formatting
Choose format type;
Choose "B" icon if you want bold formatting
Choose "I" icon if you want italic formatting
Choose "U" icon if you want underline formatting
If you want to change of the cell fill color, choose "A" icon
If you want to change of the cell font color, choose the icon on the right of "A"
If you want to add more than one format, click the "Add format" button.
You can give conditional format on the basis of row and cell.
If you want to delete the styles made, click the cross next to the filter you want to delete.
Note: Conditional format actions override column shaping work.
If you want to abandon format, you can click the trash icon in the "Conditional formatting" field.
Using column styles
With the special formats that you can apply to your columns, you can easily see your columns more colorful, more highlighted or more striking. So, you don't need to reformat your cells every time you add new data. Any formatting you make for your column is automatically applied to all data in this column.
If you want to add the column formatting follow the steps below;
Click on the "Format" button from the toolbar.
Open the "Column Style" field.
Apply any of the formats on the right side to the column you want from the column list.
Choose format type;
Choose "B" icon if you want bold formatting
Choose "I" icon if you want italic formatting
Choose "U" icon if you want underline formatting
If you want to change of the cell fill color, choose "A" icon
If you want to change of the cell font color, choose the icon on the right of "A"
If you want to delete the styles made, select the cells you want to delete and click the "Reset Style" icon.
Using the shortcut to repeat the last format action
The last formatting action can be easily repeated to other cells with the "F4" shortcut.
Follow the steps below to repeat the last format;
Format a cell
Then, go to another cell where you want to apply your last formatting
Click F4 (for Mac Fn+F4)
Quick-Tip; If you double-click the F4 you can undo your last change.
Viewing table history
Undo/redo actions
Follow the steps below to undo/redo action
Click on the "Table History" icon at the top right of the table.
Click on “Undo” or "Redo".
Backup helps you back up a table and restore it to an earlier version. You can also manually take a backup. It may be a good idea to manually take a backup of your table immediately before restructuring or otherwise making a large amount of changes to your base.
Users can take backup of tables or load from backups.
Taking a backup
Follow the steps below to take a backup of a table.
Click on the "Table History" icon at the top right of the table.
Click on “Backup” to enter backupmenu.
Click on “Take a backup”.
Loading from a backup
Follow the steps below to load from backup;
Click on the "Table History" icon at the top right of the table.
Select "Backup".
There are two options to load from backups.
Select “Create new table” to load from backup to a new table.
Select “Restore table” to load from backup to the existing table.
Sharing a view
Create link to view
User can create a share link for the entire view will let anyone with the link see the entire view. Also, table owners may want to share a specific view instead by choosing specific filters and columns from the table. In other words, only the owner of a personal view can customize that view's filters, field visibility, field order/sorts, and export data.
Follow the steps below to set the visibility of a table.
Click on the "Share" button in the table bar.
If you want to make the table make public, click the "Create link to view" switch. You can share your data with this link. Hidden fields are not visible.
If you want the view data to be edited, you can enable the Make this table editable switch. The "All" and "Only Data" options appear when the "Make this table editable" switch is enabled. If the user you are sharing with is logged in, the user can operate on the view according to the "All" or "Only Data" options you choose. If the user you are sharing with is not logged in, the user cannot operate on the view.
You can Hide toolbar in your Retable tables. Allows you to remove the Retable toolbar from tables embedded on your website or shared publicly. Viewers of your tables will be unable to execute any actions associated with the toolbar and will not be exposed to Retable's branding elements.
Disable export feature helps you to hide the export button of Retable tables that you share publicly or embed on your website.
If you want the table data to be used, you can enable the "Allow viewers to copy data" switch. If the user you shared with are logged in, user can create new table using this view data.
You can customize Retable branding and add your own branding components to Retable. This feature instead of Retable's logos and colors, you can design your organization's workspace in accordance with your own corporate identity. For this you have to add Organization workspace and turn on the "Apply organization branding" switch.
If you want, you can copy the link or open the link in a new page. Click on the "Embed" icons next to the links. You can copy the code by double-click the Embed Code.
You can hide columns, multi-sort, filter, or group on via "Create link to view" and export the table. You can also share the view.
Data masking with view
Keep your sensitive information safe and secure with our powerful column-based data masking tool. Whether you're sharing tables with colleagues or presenting data to clients, you can now confidently mask specific columns to protect confidential information. With Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared, your private data stays private, and you can focus on sharing insights and making informed decisions without any security concerns.
Follow the steps below to instead of real data when publicly shared;
Click “Customize Column”.
Activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared" option.
Save your column.
If you activate the "Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared" option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
Embedding a view
You can embed a Retable base (or just a view from a base) into any web page that supports iframes. Try embedding a base in a public-facing website or as part of an enterprise wiki (like Confluence).
Follow the step below to embed;
Start by clicking the "Share" button. This will open a window with "Share" options.
You should open the view or form key.
Click on the "Embed" icons next to the links.
You can change the Width and Height.
You can hide the Retable logo with the "Hide Retable Logo" switch only view.
You can copy the code by double-click the Embed Code.
Ready to embed.
In the event that you change cell values, add records or fields, or otherwise change which fields and records are visible in the view, the link will automatically update in real-time to show the most up-to-date version of the view.
Asking to update for a row
If you want your row to be updated by your collaborator, follow the steps below;
Right click on row and select "Ask to update" function.
You must create or select a form view.
You must enable the public form option.
To update the columns in the view, click on the "Go to view" field. The updates will be applied according to the options you've selected in the form view.
From the "This row" tab; In the "Email" field, write the email addresses of the users you want to send. In case of more than one account, between the accounts "," , ";" you can use. You can also select your collaborators using the @ symbol.
From the "All rows" tab; If Collaborator and Email columns are included in the table, e-mail is sent to the user/email in the columns according to your selection.
Click the "Send" button, "Copy to clipboard," or "Open link in new tab."
You can use the "Columns" switch to toggle all columns on or off. If the Columns key is on, all columns will be open. If the Columns switch is closed, all columns are closed. Remember that meta columns (Autonumber, Created time, Created by, Last modified time, Last modified by) are always turned off.
Find and replace data
You can easily search for the data you want to find in your Retable table and replace that data.
If you want to do this, follow the steps below;
Click "Find" on the left of the top bar of the table.
Type the word you want to search.
With "Replace", you can replace only the data you want.
With "Replace All", you can replace all data found after your search.
Cmd/CTRL + F = "Find" field open
The search results can be navigated with "Enter"
Both English and Turkish characters can be searched in the Find field. In this way, you do not need to distinguish between English / Turkish characters when searching.
Case-sensitive search
If you want to do a case-sensitive search in Retable, just check the case-sensitive box in the "Find" field. Thus, you will only see the same case-sensitive term as you directly write for the search.
If you want to do this, follow the steps below;
Click "Find" at the top bar of the Retable.
Type of the word you want to search
Check the "Case Sensitive" box and click "Find"
Freezing columns
When multiple columns are added, if the columns are not visible on the screen, you can freeze - or lock - a field in order to always keep it in view when you're scrolling through a table horizontally.
To freeze fields, start by hovering over the dividing line next to any field. You'll see a blue bar appear with the indicator to "drag to adjust the number of frozen columns".
Click and hold your mouse and drag this past the field(s) you want to freeze, and then unclick. Now, all the fields to the left of the frozen field divider will remain fixed when you scroll horizontally.
Follow the steps below to apply a freeze to a column/columns;
Keep the freeze mark in the first column of the table.
Drag freeze up to the column you want.
Leave the freeze mark.
You can see the columns freeze as you scroll with the scroll. Note that freezing process can be done up to the middle of the screen.
Adding or deleting a row or cell
There are three ways to add a row:
Click to plus (+) icon.
Press Enter button on the keyboard when mouse cursor is on the last row of the table.
Go to the beginning of the row and right click and click "Insert a new row before " and "Insert a new row after".
Each cell has a limit of 10.000 characters.
Follow the steps below to delete a row(s):
Select row(s) that are needed to delete.
Click right button on the mouse.
Select “Delete selected row(s)”
Follow the steps below to delete a cell(s):
Select cell(s) that are needed to delete
Click right button on the mouse.
Select “Delete selected cell(s)”
You can delete it by entering the cell with a double click, or you can delete it with a single click.
Deleting duplicate rows
The "Delete duplicate rows" feature allows you to efficiently clean up duplicate records in your tables. You can apply this feature across entire rows or specific columns.
To delete duplicates across the entire table, select the table, right-click, and choose "Delete duplicate rows." Retable will identify and remove all rows with identical values, preserving only the first instance of each record.
If you want to delete duplicates based on specific columns, select the columns, right-click, and choose "Delete duplicate rows."
Duplicating a row
Follow the step below to duplicate rows;
Right-click the row and select the "Duplicate row" functions.
Cmd/CTRL + D = Row duplicate directly to the next row.
Adding or deleting a column
Follow the steps below to add a column:
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Choose column type. You can search for column types.
Type the column title.
Click "Save" button.
You can also add columns by right-clicking on the column and using the "Insert a new column after" and "Insert a new column before" functions.
You must use unique names for your columns.
To delete a column, simply select the column and right click on your mouse. From the menu, Select "Delete selected column(s)"
Duplicating a column
Follow the step below to duplicate columns;
Right click the column and select "Duplicate column" function.
Column ID
Get the ID of the column by selecting "Copy column ID" from the right-click menu of the column, or copy it from the Column ID field next to the Customize column field.
Column types
There are 31 different column types.
The basics
Text: Text column type in Retable serves as a multidirectional space where users can input and store alphabetic characters. This fundamental column provides a single and multiline for textual data, making it suitable for various purposes such as names, descriptions, or any alphanumeric entries.
Calendar (date&time): Providing a structured approach to temporal data, the Date & Time column allows users to input specific dates and times using an interactive calendar. Users can choose from different date formats (EU, US, ISO, Friendly) and have the option to include time in their entries, adding precision to their temporal data. When you convert a text column with date entries to a calendar column, Retable will automatically adjust the values to match your calendar format.
Number: The Number column allows users to input numeric values, facilitating the organization of quantitative data. If the "Allow negative numbers" option is selected, users can include negative values, expanding the flexibility of data entry within this column.
Single/multi select: Single/multi select column provides a structured approach to categorical data. Users can choose from predefined options listed in the column, facilitating the organization and consistent categorization of data across multiple rows.
Checkbox: Offering a straightforward binary option, the Checkbox column allows users to mark or unmark a box within the column. This simplicity makes it an ideal choice for creating fields for choosing a box for the specific need of the column.
Color: Enhancing visual aesthetics, the Color column allows users to infuse their data with a spectrum of colors. Users can choose and assign colors to cells, providing an additional layer of information representation and categorization within the spreadsheet.
Rating: The Rating column introduces a visual element to data assessment, allowing users to rate records using a star icon. This feature is particularly useful for subjective evaluations or feedback systems where a rating is needed.
Attachment: The Attachment column elevates data management by enabling users to upload various file types, including images, documents, and more. This column expands beyond documents, accommodating a comprehensive range of file formats. Attachment file types can be: .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png, .xlsx, .xls, .pdf, .gif, .rar, .zip, .svg, .doc, .docx, .csv, .tiff, .eps, .ai, .txt, .html, .htm, .css, .js, .wpd, .xhtml, .ppt, .pptx, .mp3, .mp4, .mov, .wma, .flv, .avi, .retable, .exe, .odt, .ods, .aif, .cda, .mid, .7z, .arj, .deb, .pkg, .rpm, .z, .bin, .dmg, .iso, .mdb, .sql, .xml, .email, .apk, .psd, .bmp, .tar.gz
Image: In the Image column, users can enrich their data by incorporating visual elements. Supporting image file formats such as .png, .webp, .svg and .jpeg, this column enables users to upload and view images directly within their spreadsheet, enhancing the visual representation of associated data.
Email: The Email column ensures the accurate capture of email addresses. By restricting entries to valid email formats (e.g.,, this column type is beneficial for storing and managing contact information and communication records. When clicking on the email address, Retable automatically opens the email provider app and allows you to send mail immediately.
Phone number: Facilitating the organization of contact details, the Phone Number column adheres to a specific phone number format (e.g., (123) 456-7891). A feature including the ability to initiate a call directly by clicking on a valid phone number within the column.
Percent: With the Percent column, users can input both integer and decimal numbers with the added convenience of automatically appending a percentage sign. This column type accommodates percentage-based data and calculations within the spreadsheet.
Currency: The Currency column, building upon the Number column, is developed to format numeric entries as currency amounts. Users can customize the currency symbol and placement, ensuring an accurate representation of financial data within the spreadsheet. If the "Allow negative numbers" option is selected, users can include negative values, expanding the flexibility of data entry within this column.
Duration: Enhances the ability to manage and track time. A specialized number field that automatically formats numbers as durations. Whether tracking project timelines, logging hours, or managing deadlines, this feature ensures data is clear and easy to interpret.
Project related
Collaborator: The Collaborator column allows users to add collaborators to specific cells. By enabling the “Add multiple collaborators” option, multiple users can be selected for a single cell. Additionally, the “Notify collaborators when they are added or the row they are added is changed” option keeps collaborators informed of any changes in the designated row.
Created Time: The Created Time column provides users with the date and time information indicating when a record was initially created. This timestamp offers valuable insights into the chronological order of data entries within the spreadsheet.
Created By: The Created By column reveals the user responsible for creating a specific record. This attribution is valuable for tracking and acknowledging contributors to the dataset, enhancing transparency and accountability in collaborative environments.
Last Modified Time: The Last Modified Time column displays the date and time of the most recent modification to a record. Users can quickly assess the currency of data entries and identify the timing of the latest updates within the spreadsheet.
Last Modified By: The Last Modified By column identifies the user who made the most recent modification to a particular record. This information aids in tracking changes, understanding data evolution, and assigning responsibility for recent updates within the spreadsheet.
Go advanced
Formula: The Formula column in Retable simplifies the process of performing calculations within your spreadsheet. Whether you need to add, subtract, multiply, or divide values, the Formula column allows you to create straightforward calculations on a row-by-row basis. For a list of available formulas, refer to this link.
URL: The URL column enhances data with clickable links, providing direct access to external web pages or resources. Users can customize the appearance by displaying URLs as buttons, offering an interactive.
Reference Another Table: The Reference Another Table column establishes connections between tables, allowing users to display and utilize data from other tables within the current table. (Show other table's datas in this table.)
Lookup Values: The Lookup Values column facilitates dynamic data retrieval by pulling information from another table based on references. When the referenced data changes, the Lookup Values column updates dynamically, ensuring real-time synchronization of data between tables.
Rollup: The Rollup column eases the aggregation of data from multiple linked records within a single table or across multiple tables. This powerful feature allows users to generate customized views, and reports, and perform calculations like totals, averages, and percentages within seconds.
Autonumber: The Autonumber column provides users with a unique and automatically incremented identifier for each record. Offering a reliable and sequential numbering system, this column type is useful for establishing distinct identification codes within the spreadsheet.
Unique Identifier: The Unique Identifier (UUID) column incorporates a powerful algorithm to generate unique codes for each record. Serving as strong identifiers, these codes can be applied to passwords, product codes, or user codes, ensuring their uniqueness and preventing manual changes. The UUID column type enhances data integrity by automatically generating distinct and unrepeatable codes for each record.
Geolocation: The Geolocation column automatically displays location information, including street, neighborhood, city, state, and country, all within a single cell. Users can perform city searches, navigate on the map, copy the longitude and latitudes, and move pins to specific locations by dragging and dropping, providing a dynamic and interactive mapping experience.
Rich Text: The Rich Text column accommodates formatted text with various styling options, including bold, italics, underline, headings, numerical, strikethrough and listicle formats. This column type is ideal for storing comprehensive textual content, such as essays, to-do lists, or any detailed information related to a specific row.
GPT: The GPT (ChatGPT) column integrates OpenAI's ChatGPT directly into Retable spreadsheets. Users can input prompts directly into cells, treating columns as variables for ChatGPT responses. This powerful integration enables users to obtain ChatGPT outputs for thousands of rows with a single prompt. You prefer GPT 3.5, GPT 4, GPT 4o or GPT-4o mini. You can update the outputs you want by clicking the refresh icon next to the ChatGPT outputs. This way, you can save on API usage and stay within ChatGPT's limits.
Vote: The Vote column empowers users to participate in voting processes within the spreadsheet. Each user can cast a vote once, including in decision-making and opinion gathering. This column type streamlines the voting experience and enhances collaborative decision processes.
QR Code: The QR Code column allows users to generate custom QR codes directly within the spreadsheet. By inputting desired values into the cell, a unique QR code is generated, offering a quick and convenient way to share information. This column supports various data formats, including URLs, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Converting to different column types
Follow the steps below for column replacement.
Right click on the column heading created.
Select "Customize Column" from the options.
You can change the column type from the type field.
Click “Save” button.
Row Detail
The row detail window or modal helps you view and manage the row. You can view and manage all the data related to your row by clicking Row Detail from the field that opens when you right-click on the row.
With the help of the row detail window on the right side of your tables, you can view and manage all data related to your row in a vertical format. Row detail window or modal helps you quickly switch between rows, add new rows and columns, and easily edit data in your rows.
All activities, Comments, and Revision history options are available. Revision history provides an overview of the changes made to each record over time. When you check the row history, you can see which user made which changes and when. Comments allow you to leave feedback. You have the flexibility to edit and delete your comments on rows. Emojis are also supported, enabling you to express yourself more vividly in your comments. All activities combines the two fields into a single area.
When you click the 'Watch row' icon, an email is sent to the user every time a change is made in that specific row. This feature proves especially helpful when you prefer not to check a table regularly to track changes
Follow the steps below to display changes in the table.
Right click on a row and click on ”Row Detail” from the menu.
Or click on the row detail icon in the upper right corner of your table.
You can see all changes on the column, row and comments.
You can add a new row by clicking the "+Add" button in the upper left corner.
You can switch to the next row by clicking the "Next" icon.
You can switch to the previous row by clicking the "Previous" icon.
You can delete a row by clicking the "Delete" button in the upper right corner.
You can add a new column by clicking the "+Add another column" icon in the lower-left corner of the row detail.
Hidden columns are displayed by clicking on the "Show hidden column(s)" field at the bottom of the Row detail area.
You can also update data in this view.
You can adjust the width of the row detail window displayed on the right side of your view as you wish. View and manage both grid view and row detail on the same screen. The width you set is automatically saved and you can continue to use your row detail window with the same settings when you enter your view again. You can also open and close the row detail window at any time.
Expanding a cell
Thanks to Retable's cell expand feature, you can easily expand your cells and view detailed information in the cells. It's especially helpful for multi-line texts. Each record can be expanded to show all of the information in the cell.
Cell expand icon directly next your cell in the Text, Image, Attachment, Email, Select, Reference Another Table, Lookup Values, Collaborator, URL, QR Code, Geolocation and GPT column types.
You can easily manage long texts inside your cells thanks to the text box that opens when you click on the Expand icon. In addition, you can easily work by dragging the opened text box to the place you want on the page.
Follow the steps to expand a cell.
Click the blue expand icon directly near your cell.
Then, the text box will directly open.
You can easily start to write anything in this text box and drag this text box anywhere on the page.
Data validation
There are four options for data validation which are Single Select, Multi Select, Text and Number column types.
Text column validation
User can select multiple allowed values for specific columns.
Hover over the column name and right click.
Choose "Customize Column" function.
Choose “Text” in the column type option.
With "Fill cells with a default value" options each time add a row is that cell automatically fills in with the selected data.
Check "Use a validation rule for cells" and click "Add Validation Rule" from the screen.
There will be 3 options;
• Min character
• Max character
• Regex
If you enter min characters and click the "save" button, "Validation Error" is given next to the cells that do not meet this criterion in the relevant cells.
If you enter max characters and click the "save" button, "Validation Error" is given next to the cells that do not meet this criterion in the relevant cells.
If you enter regex code and click the "save" button, "error message" is given next to the cells that do not meet this criterion in the relevant cells. For examples;
• Email check: ^[\w-.]+@([\w-]+.)+[\w-]{2,4}$
• No whitespace character: \S
• Non alphanumeric: \W etc.
You can add up to 3 controls.
Cells that do not comply with the control are marked in red and the message given is: Validation Error: The value must follow these rule(s).
Number column validation
User can select multiple allowed values for specific columns.
Hover over the column name and right click.
Choose "Customize Column" function.
Choose “Number” in the column type option.
With "Fill cells with a default value" options each time add a row is that cell automatically fills in with the selected data.
Check "Use a validation rule for cells" and click "Add Validation Rule" from the screen.
There will be 2 options.
Min value
Max value
If you enter min value and click the "save" button, "Validation Error" is given next to the cells that do not meet this criterion in the relevant cells.
If you enter max value and click the "save" button, "Validation Error" is given next to the cells that do not meet this criterion in the relevant cells.
You can add up to 2 controls.
Cells that do not comply with the control are marked in red and the message given is: Validation Error: The value must follow these rule(s).
Allowing one value for columns (single select)
User can select only one allowed value for specific columns.
Hover over the column name and right click.
Choose "Customize Column" function.
Choose “Select” in the column type option.
Choose "Single Select" from the screen.
Data is entered in the "Empty Option" field. New selections are added with "Add an options".
If you want to clear data, use the "Clear" button.
If you want to insert the data of another table, you can use the "Generate from table column" selection. You can generate data by selecting tables and columns.
You can search in option field with "Search in option(s)".
If you want to delete option, you can click the "x" icon.
Click on "Save".
Allowing multiple values for columns (multi select)
User can select multiple allowed values for specific columns.
Hover over the column name and right click.
Choose "Customize Column" function.
Choose “Select” in the column type option.
Choose "Multi Select" from the screen.
Data is entered in the "Empty Options" field.
New selections are added with "Add an options".
If you want to clear data, use the "Clear" button.
If you want to insert the data of another table, you can use the "Generate from table column" selection. You can generate data by selecting tables and columns.
You can search in option field with "Search in option(s)".
If you want to delete option, you can click the "x" icon.
Click "Save".
Adding column uniqueness
Follow the steps below to apply a unique to a column/columns;
Right click on the column heading created.
Select "Customize Column" from the options.
In the pop-up that opens, mark the "Require entries to be unique" field. Each value will be unique across the table for this column.
Click “Save” button.
Setting a required column
Follow the steps below to apply a required to a column/columns;
Right click on the column heading created.
Select "Customize Column" from the options.
In the pop-up that opens, mark the "Require an entry in this field" field. This column will be required in forms and table.
Click “Save” button.
Column default values
Each time add a row is that cell automatically fills in with the selected data.
Follow the steps below to fill cells with a default value;
Right click on the column heading created.
Select "Customize Column" from the options.
In the pop-up that opens, mark the "Fill cells with a default value " field.
Click “Save” button.
Formatting in column types
If you want to use formatting on column types, follow the steps below.
Formatting in number column type
When customizing your number field, the "Customize Column" menu contains a couple of options.
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select Number column from Column Types dropdown.
You can select whether you want your numbers to appear as integers (whole numbers) or as decimal numbers.
If you've chosen to format your numbers as decimals, you'll also have the option of selecting the precision, up to 8 decimal places.
You can also decide whether or not you want to allow negative numbers in this field.
Then click the "Save" button.
Formatting in calendar (date&time) column type
When customizing your date & time field, the "Customize Column" menu contains a couple of options.
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select calendar (date&time) column from Column Types dropdown.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
You can choose "EU", "US", "ISO" and "Friendly" formats according to the date format.
If you want it to include the time, mark the "Include time" field. Your choice is between the 12-hour format, which includes AM and PM options, and the 24-hour format.
Then click the "Save" button.
Adjust your Account settings in the "Settings" section to set the default Date format and make Sunday&Monday the first day for your calendar columns and views in Retable.
Adjust your account settings in the "Settings" section to set the default time format and choose between 12-hour and 24-hour formats.
Formatting in currency column type
When customizing your percent field, the "Customize Column" menu contains a couple of options.
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select Currency column from Column Types dropdown.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
You can select whether you want your percent to appear as integers (whole numbers) or as decimal numbers.
You can change your currency symbol from the "Currency Symbol" field.
Adjust the position of your currency icon in the cell. Thus, your icons are displayed on the right or left according to your choice by default.
Decimal separator for currencies, allowing for a presentation of currency values as raw values with Preset.
You can also decide whether or not you want to allow negative numbers in this field.
Then click the "Save" button.
Adjust your Account settings in the "Settings" section to set the default Digit separator, Currency symbol Currency symbol placement and Preset in the Currency column type in Retable.
Formatting in percent column type
When customizing your percent field, the "Customize Column" menu contains a couple of options.
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select Percent column from Column Types dropdown.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
You can view the data you added to your percent column as a progress bar and better track the progress of your tasks.
Click the "Select this if you want to use a color progress bar" checkbox. You can start entering values into your column and the values on your cells will automatically be shown as a progress bar.
You can select whether you want your percent to appear as integers (whole numbers) or as decimal numbers.
If you've chosen to format your percent as decimals, you'll also have the option of selecting the precision, up to 8 decimal places.
Adjust the position of percentage icon in the cell. Thus, your icons are displayed on the right or left according to your choice by default.
You can also decide whether or not you want to allow negative numbers in this field.
Then click the "Save" button.
Adjust your Account settings in the "Settings" section to set the default percent symbol placement in the Percent column type in Retable.
Formulas can be easily created in the column. You can easily create simple, row-basis formulas with Retable. Its formulation can be applied in number and text column type.
When customizing your formulation field, the "Customize Column" menu contains a couple of options.
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select Formula column from Column Types dropdown.
Click the formula area or Advanced Editor area and start to type your formula. You can check the examples to start writing the formula.
When you start to type our formula options will appear directly under the formula section, and you can select the formula you want to use.
Then all your columns will be listed directly under the formula section. You can select the column that you want to add to your formula.
You can add more than one column to your formula by separating the columns with a comma.
When you finish adding the columns you should close your parenthesis.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
Then click the "Save" button.
It is fully dynamic so, when you change any data in the columns that you used in your formula, the formula results will be automatically updated.
You can COUNT cells containing numbers with the Count function. Example: =COUNT ({column_name1}, {column_name2})
You can SUM cells containing numbers with the sum function. Example: =SUM ({column_name1}, {column_name2})
With the AVERAGE function, you can get the average of cells containing numbers. Example: =AVERAGE ({column_name1}, {column_name2})
You can get the smallest of cells containing numbers with the MIN function. Example: =MIN ({column_name1}, {column_name2})
You can get the largest number of cells containing numbers with the MAX function. Example: =MAX ({column_name1}, {column_name2})
You can combine two cells with the CONCATENATE function. Example: CONCATENATE ({column_name1}, {column_name2})
You can use TODAY function. Example: TODAY()
You can use NOW function. Example: NOW()
You can use DAYS(end_date, start_date, date_format) function to find the days between two dates. Example: DAYS({column_name1}, {column_name2}) DAYS(TODAY(), column_name, US)
You can format it with the DATEFORMAT({date}, {current_date_format}, {new_date_format}) function. Example: DATEFORMAT({column_name}, 'MM.DD.YYYY') DATEFORMAT({column_name}, EU, US)
You can collect an integer field with ADDDAYS, the date column type and create a finish date. Example: ADDDAYS({column_name1}, {column_name2}, US) ADDDAYS({column_name1}, number, EU)
You can calculate working days with the WORKDAYS({start_date}, {end_date}) function. Example: WORKDAYS({column_name1}, {column_name2}) WORKDAYS({column_name1}, {column_name2}, ISO)
The percentage of completion of work between two dates is calculated with COMPLETE({enddate}, {startdate}) Example: COMPLETE({column_name1}, {column_name2})
The percentage of completion of work between two numbers is calculated with PROGRESS({column_name1}, {column_name2}) EXAMPLE: PROGRESS{column_name1}, {column_name2}
You can calculate the difference of "years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes" and "seconds" between two dates with DURATIONS({column_name1}, {column_name2}, " ") EXAMPLE: DURATIONS({end_date},{start_date},EU(),"day") DURATIONS({end_date},{start_date},EU("time"),"hour,minute")
You can format a number to display a specified number of digits after the decimal point. Allowing you to customize the precision of numeric values as needed. TOFIXED(number, fractionDigits)
EXAMPLE: TOFIXED(15.1289, 2) will result in 15.12, and TOFIXED(15, 3) will display as 15.000
You can include all the columns between the {Column1}:{ColumnN} function and the selected column in the formula. EXAMPLE: SUM({column_name1}:{column_name2})
You can use the CONCATENATE formula in the formula column to combine data from multiple columns to create a URL, and you can generate these URLs as clickable links within the formula column.
Formulas in Retable consist of a stripped down version of Excel formulas together with custom formulas developed by the Retable team. See this link to view a list of all formulas supported together with their descriptions.
Referencing another table column
You can use this column type when you have multiple tables and want to create links between them, known as references. You can create tables that represent relationships with reference tables and can easily get information from columns in another table.
If you want to this, follow the steps below.
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select Reference Another Table column from Column Types dropdown.
In the window that opens, select the "Table" and "Lookup field" fields whose data you want to use from the "Reference table" field.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
Click the "Save" button.
Click the "+" icon on the cell of the referenced column and select the rows you want to use from the corresponding pop-up window.
You can search from the corresponding pop-up window and mark the "Case sensitive".
Lookup values column type
This column type can be used when there are multiple tables and it is desired to create links between them, known as lookup values.
In order to use this column type, first a Referenced Another Table column must be created in the table.
Lookup column type allows you to pull data from from another table by referencing it. It fetches data and change the value of column if the reference column data changes.
If you want to this, follow the steps below;
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select Lookup Values column from Column Types dropdown.
In the window that opens, select the "Referenced Column" and "Lookup column" fields whose data you want to use from the "Lookup value" field.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
Then click the "Save" button.
By selecting data from the Reference column, the data is pulled into the Lookup Values column.
Rollup column type
You can now easily summarize and aggregate data from multiple linked records within a single table or across multiple tables. It allows you to create customized views of your data, generate reports, and calculate totals, averages, and percentages with ease.
The Roll-up column is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with a range of aggregation functions to choose from, including sum, average, count, max, min, and more.
If you want to this, follow the steps below;
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select Rollup column from Column Types dropdown.
In the window that opens, select the "Referenced Column" and "Rollup column" fields whose data you want to use from the "Rollup" field. Choose a column that you want to rollup; this column will be used to bring in information from the other table you've linked to into the table where the rollup column is being created.
Select a way to aggregate the column values from the linked records. When you start editing the aggregation input, you will see suggestions for potential roll-up functions with a brief description.
You can insert various functions in this area; for a complete reference of rollup aggregation functions.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
Then click the "Save" button.
By selecting data from the Reference column, the data is pulled into the Rollup column. You'll see any values that can be rolled up from the linked table.
URL column type
When customizing your percent field, the "Customize Column" menu contains a option.
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select URL column from Column Types dropdown.
You can give button text and button color to URLs with "Show As Button" option.
Then click the "Save" button.
Converts the URLs in the cell to the button text and button color in the customize column field.
When the button is clicked, it will open the page.
Unique identifier column type (UUID)
UUID column type gives you a powerful algorithm to generate unique codes for each of your records. Thanks to the UUID column type, you can create unique codes aka identifiers and use these codes as passwords, product codes or user codes.
When customizing your unique identifier field, the "Customize Column" menu contains a couple of options.
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select Unique Identifier column from Column Types dropdown.
Customize your unique identifiers by selecting the length, uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols options.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
Then click the "Save" button.
Unique identifier will be automatically created for all your records in accordance with the customizations you selected.
Geolocation column type
It automatically shows you the street, neighborhood, city, state, and country in the same cell. Easily do city searches and easily navigate to the city you want to find on the map or easily move your pins around the map by simply dragging and dropping them.
If you want to this, follow the steps below;
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select Geolocation column from Column Types dropdown.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
Turn on the "View as coordinates" switch view the address data in your geolocation column either in full address format or coordinate format.
Then click the "Save" button.
You can remove the pin by clicking the "Clear Pin" button. This action will clear the selected pin and disable its effect.
The "Find Pin" button locates your pin on the map, no matter where it is.
Click any cell in this column and select a location or click the "Find me" button to allow Retable to find your current location automatically.
You can also search using longitude and latitude data.
You can also search by city, state, or country.
You can also add a pin by right-clicking.
QR code column type
You can now create custom QR codes directly within your spreadsheet that can be easily scanned by any QR scanner. Simply input the desired value into the cell, and the QR Code column type will generate a unique QR code for that value, allowing you to quickly and conveniently share information with others.
QR Code column type also supports a range of data formats, including Whatsapp, Skype, Phone Number, and Email. This means that you can easily create QR codes for your contact information, allowing others to quickly add you to their contact list. Or create QR codes for your business information, allowing potential customers to quickly and easily contact you.
If you want to this, follow the steps below;
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select QR Code column from Column Types dropdown.
Type a Whatsapp, Skype, Phone Number or Email data in your QR Code column’s cell.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
Then click the "Save" button.
The QR Code column will automatically generate a unique QR Code for your entry.
You can expand your cell by clicking the expand icon directly near your cell and see the QR Code.
You can also change the color and background color of your QR Code.
GPT column type
Allow you to generate any data with ChatGPT directly in your Retable spreadsheets. Thanks to the GPT column it's now possible to use ChatGPT with Retable.
If you want to this, follow the steps below;
Go to and log in to your OpenAI account.
From the right menu, select Settings, then select Your profile.
In the "User API keys" section of your profile, create a new secret API key.
Copy the API key.
Go to your tables.
Click to plus (+) icon next to column names.
Select GPT column from Column Types dropdown.
Select the model for GPT. You prefer to use ChatGPT 4 or ChatGPT 3.5.
Paste your API key to the Secret Key field in your column customization area.
Write a prompt.
If you activate the Show "*" instead of real data when publicly shared option, when you share your table publicly, the data in this column will be displayed as (***).
Then click the "Save" button.
Every prompt you type in this column is applied to all your rows. You can get information for thousands of lines with a single prompt.
Comments and mentioning other users
You can leave comments in different ways on Retable. Comments are useful to communicate changes, elaborate on issues, and collaborate with other people who have access to the base.
If you want to leave a comment for the row, you can mention it by opening the row detail pop up and come to the comment tab and use the @ symbol in the relevant field and send it.
If you want to leave a comment while chatting, you can open the chat window and use the @ symbol in the relevant field and send it.
If you want to leave a comment for the editing of the row, you can right click on the row, click the "Ask to update" function, select the relevant person using the @ symbol in the relevant field and send it.
@mentioning them will send them notifications and email.
Set as header
If "First row is header" is not check while importing and the first row is a header, only the first row is made as a header with the "Set as header" option that appears on the right click of the first row.
If you want to this, follow the steps below;
Right click to your first row.
Click “Set as Header” option.
Splitting column data
To split a cell into multiple cells with delimeters, follow the steps below;
Select the column.
Hover over the column name and right click.
Choose "Split Column Data" function.
Select the Delimiters for your data. For example, comma and space.
Select "Preview", you can see a preview of your data in the Data preview window. Click "Save".
Sending selected data as an email
If you want to send your selected data to collaborators via email, follow the steps below;
Select the cells you want to send on the table.
Right click on row and select "Send as an email" function.
In the "To" field, write the email addresses of the users you want to send. In case of more than one account, between the accounts , ; you can use.
You can also select your collaborators using the @ symbol.
Click the "Send" button.
Add reminder
Set reminders for each row individually, ensuring important dates or tasks are never missed. Stay organized and on top of tasks with Retable's new Reminder Function.
With the Reminder Function:
📌 Set custom reminders: Choose specific dates for each reminder to keep track of deadlines, meetings, and events.
📌 Personalize reminder messages: Craft custom reminder messages for each row, tailoring notifications to specific needs.
📌 Easy management: Effortlessly manage reminders directly within tables, enhancing workflow and productivity.
If you want to add a reminder, follow the steps below:
Right-click any row and select "Add reminder" or click the reminder icon in the row number column.
Select the collaborator to which you want your reminder e-mail to be sent from the "Send" field in the pop-up window that opens, or if there is a collaborator column in your table, select it. If you select the collaborator column, the reminder will automatically be sent to whichever teammate is assigned a task in the collaborator column of the relevant row.
Select the time you want your reminder to send from the "A reminder" field. For example; today, 1 day before, 7 days before etc.
Select the date you want your reminder to be sent from the "On" field. Also, if you have a calendar column in your table, you can automatically select the date in the "On" field directly from it. Thus, your reminder will run according to the date selected in the calendar column of the relevant row.
If you activate the "Use custom reminder message" checkbox, you can add a custom message for your reminder.
Click the "Add new reminder" button.
You can only add a maximum of 3 reminders for each row. You can also freely delete or edit your reminders after adding them.
Retable keyboard shortcuts
By clicking on the user icon located at the top right of your project and select the "Shortcuts" option from the menu that appears.
Shortcut | Function |
Ctrl/Cmd+C | Copy |
Ctrl/Cmd+X | Cut |
Ctrl/Cmd+V | Paste |
Ctrl/Cmd+S | Save as csv |
Ctrl/Cmd+Z | Undo action |
Ctrl/Cmd+Y | Redo action |
Ctrl/Cmd+B | Bold |
Ctrl/Cmd+U | Underline |
Ctrl/Cmd+I | Italic |
Ctrl/Cmd+F | Find |
Ctrl/Cmd+D | Duplicate row |
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+D | Cell duplicate |
Ctrl/Cmd+A | Select all cells |
Ctrl/Cmd+← | Focus on the left cell |
Ctrl/Cmd+→ | Focus on the right cell |
Ctrl/Cmd +↑ | Focus on the cell above |
Ctrl/Cmd+↓ | Focus on the cell below |
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+← | Select cells up to the left |
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+→ | Select cells up to the right |
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+↑ | Select cells up to |
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+↓ | Select cells down to |
F4/ Fn+F4 | repeat the last format action |
Last updated